The University of California is committed to the prevention of sexual harassment, sexual violence and gender discrimination. In accordance with applicable federal and state law, University policies cover admission, employment, access and treatment in University programs and activities. These policies and grievance procedures govern and inform our office.
On August 14, 2020 The Department of Education enacted new Title IX regulations. We understand that many of our community members may have questions and concerns in response to these regulations. Be assured that UCLA Title IX remains steadfast in our commitment to sexual violence and sexual harassment prevention, and we continue to stand for a fair, supportive and proactive approach in service of our community. You may view the Title IX FAQ's in response the the new regulations and how it affects our process.

For Students and Student Respondents
Review your rights and grievance procedural policies under Title IX.
Interim PACAOS- Appendix-E: SVSH Student Investigation and Adjudication Framework for Non-DOE-Covered Conduct - January 1, 2022
PACAOS-Appendix FInterim PACAOS-Appendix F: SVSH Student Investigation and Adjudication Framework for DOE-Covered Conduct -January 1, 2022
PACAOS-Appendix EPACAOS-Appendix E: SVSH Student Investigation and Adjudication Framework for Non-DOE Covered Conduct - August 14, 2020.
Interim PACAOS-Appendix FInterim PACAOS-Appendix F: SVSH Student Investigation and Adjudication Framework for DOE-Covered Conduct - August 14, 2020.
PACAOS-Appendix E, (7/31/2019)PACAOS-Appendix-E: Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Student Investigation and Adjudication Framework - July 31, 2019.
PACAOS 100.00Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline - August 14, 2020.
PACAOS 100.00 (05/10/2012)Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline - May 10, 2012.
STUDENT Conduct CodeUCLA Student Conduct Code - January 15, 2021
STUDENT Conduct CodeUCLA Student Conduct Code- March 04, 2016.
SVSH PolicyInterim Policy on Sexual Violence Sexual Harassment, effective January 1, 2022
SVSH Policy (August 14, 2020)Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment dated August 14, 2020.
SVSH Policy (Spanish)Violencia Sexual y Acoso Sexual - 14 de Agosto, 2020
SVSH Policy (07/31/2019)Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment - July 31, 2019.
SVSH Policy (1/1/2016)Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment - January 1, 2016
Rules of ConductRules of Conduct for participants in the University of California’s Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
Resolution Processes - August, 2020.
This Anti-Discrimination Policy (“Policy”) applies to all University of California (“University”) employees as well as undergraduate, graduate, and professional students (“students”), and third parties.
For Staff & Faculty, and Staff & Faculty Respondents
Review your rights and grievance procedural policies under Title IX.
Adjudication Framework for Senate and Non-Senate Faculty - Interim Revisions - August 14, 2020.
Adjudication Framework for Senate and Non-Senate FacultyAdjudication Framework for Senate and Non-Senate Faculty - Interim Revisions- September 9, 2020.
Adjudication Framework for Staff and Non-Faculty PersonnelAdjudication Framework for Staff and Non-Faculty Personnel - Interim Revisions - August 14, 2020.
Adjudication Framework for Staff and Non-Faculty PersonnelInvestigation and Adjudication Framework for Staff and Non-Faculty Academic Personnel - Interim Revisions - January 1, 2022
Adjudication Framework for Senate and Non-Senate FacultyInvestigation and Adjudication Framework for Senate and Non-Senate Faculty - Interim Revisions - January 1, 2022
General University Policy Regarding Academic AppointmentGeneral University Policy Regarding Academic Appointment - Affirmative Action and Nondiscrimination in Employment- APM 035 - February 25, 2014.
Faculty Code of ConductGeneral University Policy Regarding Academic Appointees: APM-015 - The Faculty Code of Conduct - June 10, 2015.
SVSH PolicyInterim Policy on Sexual Harassment Sexual Violence, effective January 1, 2022
SVSH Policy (07/31/2019)Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment - July 31, 2019.
SVSH Policy (Spanish)Violencia Sexual y Acoso Sexual - 14/8/2020
SVSH PolicyPolicy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment - August 14, 2020.
Nondiscrimination in EmploymentDiscrimination, Harassment, and Affirmative
Action in the Workplace - February 14, 2018
Rules of Conduct for participants in the University of California’s Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
Resolution Processes - August, 2020.
This Anti-Discrimination Policy (“Policy”) applies to all University of California (“University”) employees as well as undergraduate, graduate, and professional students (“students”), and third parties.