The decision to file a report of sexual violence or sexual harassment is a personal choice. If you have experienced sexual violence, there is information about your confidential and reporting options. If you believe you are experiencing sexual harassment or gender discrimination, you may contact the Title IX Director for consultation, advice, or to file a report.

Under the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Reporting, employees are obligated to report sexual harassment and sexual violence to the Title IX Director. An Individual's request regarding the confidentiality of reports of sexual harassment or sexual violence will be considered by the Title IX Director in determining an appropriate response.

Title IX Office Contact Information

2255 Murphy Hall

(310) 206-3417/

Procedures when a Student is Accused

Students accused of Prohibited Conduct should read:

(1) University of California Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy,

(2) Policy Student Conduct Procedures for Allegations of Prohibited Conduct under the University of California Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment

(3) University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (“UC PACAOS”).

Procedures When a Staff or Faculty Member or Other Academic Appointee Is Accused

Staff, Faculty, or Other Academic Appointees accused of Prohibited Conduct should read the University of California Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy

2255 Murphy Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095, (310) 206-3417